Ordering Information

Thank you for choosing Guides2Wellness. Please use the information below to help you with ordering your remedies, supplements and getting set up with any accounts you might need. We also have information on how to make wet doses, spray bottles and how to administer remedies. As always, if you need any help, please feel free to contact our office with the information below.

Adonica Cabreja
Office Manager for Guides2Wellness
*text, with name, for faster response

Abbreviation Key for Remedies

  • 1D- one dose daily
  • 2D- one dose, twice daily (am & pm)
  • 2W- one dose, twice a week (to make it easier, have set days Ex. Sun & Wed, Mon & Thurs, etc.)
  • e3H- one dose every 3 hours (e4H= every for hours, etc.)
  • eod- one dose every other day
  • e3D- one dose every third day (you can have set days, as above)
  • e14D- one dose every 14 days (or every other week)
  • + means mixed with or take together
  • SOS- one dose as needed

Where to Order

There are different companies where you can order homeopathic remedies. Below is a list with descriptions of when/how best to use them. Click on the names to go directly to their sites.


Are there multiple people in your family using the same remedy? Have a chronic or recurring issues and know what you need to have on hand always? You’ll get the biggest bang for your buck here. This is a UK company so it may take 2-3 weeks for orders to arrive. Also, keep in mind that money is in pounds and not US dollars. There are also international shipping costs.

We recommend Form: Pills (No 3) (Sucrose)




Good for remedies in liquid, mother tinctures and odd (hard to find) potencies. They do require you to have an account with the. To set up an account, please click the link below and use the information provided to fill out the form. It will take 2-3 business days for them to process your account and then they will send you an email. If you do not receive an email after 5 business days, please use the number provided to contact them. OHMPharma (940)325-4797

Account Set Up

-Choose option #4

-Put in your information

-Put in your consultants information (found below)

Sandra Bivens- or Monica Meyle- exchangewords@protonmail.com


Great for when a remedy you need for a short time or to help hold you over until your Helios order arrives if you would like to start sooner. Good lactose free option. May be able to find 6c or 30c potencies in your local natural grocer or health food stores.


Great place for cell salts or kits for kids. These remedies are a lactose tablet. If you have a lactose intolerance, we recommend ordering from elsewhere.

Washington Homeopathics

Greater quantity here in the US. Can be limited in potencies. You can try here first and then try another place.

Hahnemann Labs





Another good lactose free option. May be able to find 30c potencies in your local natural grocer or health food stores.

Thompson’s Homeopathic Supplies, LTD


ABC Homeopathy


BeeHealthy Homeopathy

We recommend getting cell salts here as they are a greater quantity.

How Much to Order

How to Take

Please remember that we do not recommend stopping any medications or routines given to you by a medical doctor.

While using homeopathy, avoid mints, menthols, strong smells (like Clorox and Bengay), etc. If you use essential oils, please store your remedies in a separate location, especially Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Mints, etc. Strong smells can antidote remedies, so better not to take the chance. If using essential oils along with homeopathic remedies, use the oils first and then take remedies after 30 minutes.

Coffee can antidote remedies for some people. If you drink coffee regularly, most likely there will be no effect. However, if you find the remedies aren’t working and you drink coffee regularly, consider that coffee may be antidoting.

Pillules/Pellets- 4 pillules (pellets) is one dose, unless otherwise stated. Allow pillules to melt in the mouth, preferably under the tongue. Avoid food and drink, including water, for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Liquid- If a homeopathic remedy is suggested in liquid, it should be purchased in liquid with alcohol as the base. Alcohol helps the liquid last longer. A dose would be 3 drops in 1 teaspoon (5mL) of water.

Wet/Water Dose- 10 pellets of a remedy in a 16 ounce water bottle. For these, shake the bottle hard 10 times, 1 Tablespoon is a dose.

Tincture/Herbal- these are not homeopathic and should be taken in little water. A dose would bee 5 drops in 1 ounce of water.